UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

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Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

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October 18, 2011 - Trish Vradenburg

Why is fighting Alzheimer’s important? Exclusive Q&A with George Vradenburg

Earlier this month, George Vradenburg participated in his first meeting of the national Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care and Services, which is charged with developing the first-ever national plan to combat Alzheimer’s. Using some connections (namely, that he’s my husband), I was able to secure an exclusive interview with Mr. Vradenburg, and we discussed how Alzheimer’s has affected him personally and the work he’s done to stop the disease. TV: Thank you for meeting with me to discuss your work to end Alzheimer’s by 2020, Mr. Vradenburg. GV: Always a pleasure, Mrs. Vradenburg. TV: What were your thoughts about
Read more Spouses and Partners George Vradenburg Fighting Alzheimer's
October 05, 2011 - Trish Vradenburg

In Sickness and in Health: A Response to Pat Robertson

When Pat Robertson answered a caller's question on his radio show stating that divorce is a reasonable option for Alzheimer's patients' spouses if they're going to do something in a new relationship, he opened up a hornets' nest of reactions. And many of those hornets had their proverbial stingers out. Is it okay to check your vows at the door if your marriage partner is slipping into the unforgiving vortex of Alzheimer's? If so, what stage - onset, failing memory, paranoid rants, cognitive disassociation, comatose? Mr. Robertson wasn't that specific. Yet he was clearly wrestling with the reality of that
Read more Daughter Divorce Fighting Alzheimer's
September 29, 2011 - Trish Vradenburg

Memory, Reality

This college essay for admission to Cornell University was written by my daughter, Alissa, at the age of 17. The scene is so clear to me. I am wearing my favorite blue and white-checkered dress. Nana has on bright red lipstick, which eventually will end up all over my face after the encore. It was one of my favorite moments – the spotlight on me and Nana by my side. Sometimes I yearn to go back to that moment rather than see how things are today. Memory: The music blares. The lights come up. Two figures appear on the state
Read more Daughter Guest Post Grandchildren
August 10, 2011 - Trish Vradenburg

Grandpa Wayne

Once in awhile, we'll feature the personal story of someone who has a firsthand experience with Alzheimer's, or who simply wants to find a cure for this unforgiving disease. This is Amanda's story. If you want to share your own story, CLICK HERE. I lost my best friend when my grandpa got Alzheimer's. My grandpa passed away from Alzheimer's Disease in 2005; he was 68. I was 12 when he started showing signs; my grandpa was 58 years old when diagnosed with the disease. My great grandma, my great aunt, and my dad have all been tested for Alzheimer's in
Read more Grandchildren Guest Post People with Alzheimer's
August 09, 2011 - Trish Vradenburg

Who Do You Trust?

Two weeks ago, I was sitting here combing through the newspapers and I was ecstatic that the lockout is over: the football season, not the government. The players and owners can get together. Maybe they should coach the government on negotiating and coming together. Oh, wait, they already offered to do that. I listened to the point, counterpoint the week prior night between President Obama and Speaker Boehner and wondered who was telling the truth. Well, I mean, they can't both be right, can they? But I guess they can both believe their own narrative. So while one believes that
Read more Alzheimer's research Fighting Alzheimer's