UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Statements on the Passing of Legendary Artist Glen Campbell


WASHINGTON, DC, August 8, 2017—UsAgainstAlzheimer’s has issued the following statements, remembering and honoring music icon Glen Campbell, who died today following an arduous battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Campbell, who was 81 years old, was diagnosed with the disease in 2011, and he, his wife Kim Campbell and their family have fought fearlessly to make progress against this disease and support caregivers.  

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, which has stood together with Glen, Kim, and their children to confront this disease and forge a path to a cure, mourns his tragic loss and offers sincerest condolences to surviving family members and friends.

“Alzheimer’s disease has cost this nation a legendary voice, and we will aggressively re-engage in this fight against Alzheimer’s on behalf of his family and all Americans desperate for a cure,” said George Vradenburg, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Co-Founder and Chairman. “We must mirror Glen’s passion to bring joy to others in in our efforts to build an Alzheimer’s movement. The loss of such an extraordinary talent to Alzheimer’s demonstrates that no one is immune from this disease.”

“Glen’s passing is a reminder of how this devastating disease impacts families,” said Meryl Comer, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Network Board Member and WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s Co-Founder. “Kim Campbell is a heroine to all of us in her spirited decision with Glen to make the most of their Alzheimer’s journey by living it out in public on a national farewell tour. Let us remember Glen and celebrate Kim’s fierce advocacy in defense of the often silent needs of caregivers.”


UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2) is an innovative non-profit organization demanding – and delivering – a solution to Alzheimer’s. Driven by the suffering of millions of families, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s presses for greater urgency from government, industry and the scientific community in the quest for an Alzheimer's cure – accomplishing this through effective leadership, collaborative advocacy, and strategic investments.

Founded in 2010, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s has worked across sectors to: (1) secure the national goal of preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer’s by 2025 and help secure nearly $500 million in additional public funding for Alzheimer’s research over the past few years; (2) drive global efforts that resulted in the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations, the G7 group, to embrace a similar 2025 goal and to call for greater levels of research investment and collaboration; and (3) forge industry commitments to improve efficiencies for an expedited drug discovery and approval process.


Contact: Tim Tassa

Phone: 202-263-2580
