March 5, 2024

Dr. Pierre Tariot - The Neurology Crisis and What it Means for Alzheimer's

Dr. Pierre Tariot - The Neurology Crisis and What it Means for Alzheimer's

About This Episode

By 2030, all baby boomers will be 65 years of age or older, equating to over 71 million people. As the aging population grows, a shortage of neurologists and geriatric doctors puts early diagnosis in jeopardy. In this episode of BrainStorm Dr. Pierre Tariot, former Director for Banner Alzheimer's Institute and Co-Director of The International Alzheimer's Prevention Project discussed the challenges of diagnosing and treating Alzheimer's disease with a shortage of neurologists. Host Meryl Comer and Dr. Tariot, who has devoted his career to the care and study of people with or at risk for Alzheimer's disease, talk about the importance of early detection for effective treatment. You won’t want to miss this episode!

This episode is sponsored by Otsuka and Lundbeck.

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