January 18, 2022

CMS Decision on Alzheimer’s Drug Coverage

CMS Decision on Alzheimer’s Drug Coverage

About This Episode

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal health insurance program for people 65 plus, announced its decision to deny covering Biogen’s Aduhelm and all future anti-amyloid treatments under what is known as a Coverage with Evidence Development (CED).  What does this first-round decision mean? 

BrainStorm host, Meryl Comer, and guest, Stephanie Monroe, Executive Director of AfricanAmericansAgainstAlzheimer's and Co-Director of the Center for Brain Health Equity discuss the underlying issues that she calls discriminatory, particularly for communities of color.  

Russ Paulsen, Chief Operating Officer at UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, offers a statement on why UsAgainstAlzheimer’s opposes the CMS decision and provides a statement explaining what this means for those living with Alzheimer’s. 

The proposed National Coverage Determination is open to public comment for 30 days (until Feb 9). A final decision will be announced in April. 

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