August 15, 2023

Susan Magsamen, MAS, Co-author of Your Brain on Art, How the Arts Transform Us (part 1)

Susan Magsamen, MAS, Co-author of Your Brain on Art, How the Arts Transform Us (part 1)

About This Episode

Art for Art's sake is about to become passe with the emerging science of neuroaesthetics, an expanding field of research aimed at the intersection of psychological aesthetics, biological mechanisms, and human evolution. Susan Magsamen, founder and director of the International Arts and Mind Lab Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine talks with BrainStorm host Meryl Comer about the health and healing benefits when we participate in the arts. Ms. Magsamen is also co-author of the New York Times Bestseller, Your Brain on Art, How the Arts Transform Us

Produced by Susan Quirk and Amber Roniger.

BrainStorm Feed


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