April 5, 2022

Dr. Terry Fulmer - Agism in Healthcare

Dr. Terry Fulmer - Agism in Healthcare

About This Episode

One of the stunning success stories of the Twentieth Century is longevity. Japan was the first super-aged country where more than one in five people are age 65 or older. Much of Europe joined in 2020 and the United States is expected to reach this milestone by 2030. 

BrainStorm host, Meryl Comer, and guest, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, discuss care for older adults in the United States and around the world. Dr. Fulmer is President of The John A. Hartford Foundation and co-author of, Age Friendly Health Systems: A Guide to Using the 4Ms While Caring for Oder Adults. Listen as Dr. Fulmer provides insights into delivering age-friendly care to older adults, in all settings, using the four Ms: what matters, medication, mentation and mobility. 

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