October 4, 2021

American Dementia: Brain Health in an Unhealthy Society - Interview with authors Drs. Whitehouse and George

American Dementia: Brain Health in an Unhealthy Society - Interview with authors Drs. Whitehouse and George

About This Episode

Co-Authors Daniel R. George, PhD, MSc, medical anthropologist and Associate Professor at Penn State College of Medicine and Peter J. Whitehouse, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurology at Case Western Reserve University and professor of medicine at University of Toronto discuss their book, "American Dementia: Brain Health in an Unhealthy Society". In this episode of BrainStorm, Meryl Comer's conversation with the authors covers the persisting inequalities in brain health and ageist tendencies in our culture. They discuss how local communities can rise above the disconnect and loneliness and come together to care for struggling neighbors. Listen in to hear what Drs. Whitehouse and George believe is the "game-changer" in this fight against Alzheimer's.

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