UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Stay up to date on the latest from UsAgainstAlzheimer's on our blog. Read about what our team is working on, the latest advancements in research, and what you can do to join the fight.

Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

View Jay's Journal Women of UsAgainstAlzheimer's.

March 15, 2017 - Haley Richman

Kid Caregivers

My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease when I was 4 years old. (I am now 9 years old). I wanted to help care for her, so my mom gave me easy puzzles to solve with my Grandma. I felt like I was doing a good thing because when we worked on puzzles we were both very happy. As the years went by, I learned about different ways of helping my grandmother. For example, “Go into her world.” My grandfather passed away, but Grandma asked me, “When will Grandpa come home from work?” If I told her the truth she
March 07, 2017 - Jason Resendez

Out at Sea: Two Stories of Dementia and Caregiving

There are over 15 million family caregivers providing care for a loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia yet these stories are rarely found in the media, particularly the experiences of the black and brown folks that often struggle to access a diagnosis, treatment and care support. (Continue reading on Huffington Post) Jason Resendez is the Executive Director of the LatinosAgainstAlzheimer’s Network & Coalition - a network of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.
February 28, 2017 - Jill Lesser and Stephanie Monroe

Heart Health, Black History Month and Brain Health: An Unlikely Connection

Two major advocacy campaigns are underway in February: Black History Month and Heart Health Month. While their connection to Alzheimer’s disease may not be obvious, each is vitally important. ( Continue reading in Morning Consult.) Jill Lesser is president of WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s and has been a caregiver for the past nine years to her mother, Barbara Lesser, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Stephanie Monroe is executive director of AfricanAmericansAgainstAlzheimer’s, the first national network created specifically to respond to Alzheimer’s disease and its disparate impact on African Americans.
February 13, 2017 - Marie Marley

Do You Want to Be Right or Have Peace?

One night I was helping Ed, my Romanian life partner of 30 years, pay his bills. He’d been showing signs of dementia and always needed assistance with that task. Unfortunately, I put the stamp on an envelope a little askew. When Ed noticed, he lost it. “Marie,” he hollered, putting his glass of vodka down forcefully and slamming his fist on the table. “Look what you did. It’s crooked. You r-r-ruined a perfectly good stamp!” “Ed,” I said loudly, caught off guard and angered by his outburst, “It doesn’t matter. The post office doesn’t care if it’s on straight. They
February 06, 2017 - Jill Lesser

Driving Progress in 2017

In the United States, a change of administration always brings uncertainty. With new leaders entering Congress and the White House, we at WomenAgainstAlzheimer's (WA2) know we can turn that uncertainty into opportunity. Opportunity because we know finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and alleviating its burden on families can bring us together. WA2 is committed to continuing to lead a campaign to promote women’s brain health and fight against Alzheimer’s. 2017 is a critical year in our battle to stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks by 2020. We are confident in the progress we will make because we know that our passionate