UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Stay up to date on the latest from UsAgainstAlzheimer's on our blog. Read about what our team is working on, the latest advancements in research, and what you can do to join the fight.

Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

View Jay's Journal Women of UsAgainstAlzheimer's.

September 26, 2018

WATCH NOW: UsAgainstAlzheimer's 2018 National Alzheimer's Summit Live Stream

Below you'll find the full suite of sessions from the 2018 National Alzheimer's Summit. That National Alzheimer's Summit took place September 24th- 26th in Washington D.C. Panelists and attendees from diverse communities impacted by the disease worked together to develop a clear agenda for action against Alzheimer's. Enjoy! The Last Generation: A Dialogue on Intergenerational Caregiving and Advocacy Developing Brain Health Equity Indicators: Leveraging Data to Measure Progress for Patients and Communities Addressing Unconscious Bias to Drive Inclusion in Alzheimer’s Research, Care and Treatment Opening Remarks Day 2 Fighting Alzheimer’s in a Connected World: Harnessing Innovative Approaches for Powering Research
June 28, 2018

Interview with Dr. Michael Rafii

The upcoming documentary, “Remembering Gene Wilder” His Life, Legacy and Battle with Alzheimer’s Disease is centered around Gene’s incredible life and subsequent diagnosis with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurologist, Dr. Michael Rafii diagnosed and treated Gene for Alzheimer's Disease up until his passing in 2016. Below is an interview transcript with Dr. Rafii, discussing what he saw and experienced with Gene and Karen Wilder as they battled against this devastating disease.
June 25, 2018

Interview with Karen Boyer Wilder

A new documentary, “Remembering Gene Wilder" His Life, Legacy and Battle with Alzheimer’s Disease will focus on the life of this extraordinary film star and his fight with this demon of a disease. Karen Boyer Wilder, Gene’s wife, acted as Gene’s caregiver throughout his journey with Alzheimer’s. Having met Gene by chance as he was preparing for a film shoot in 1989, she stood by him through the good times and the challenging times. Below is an interview transcript with Karen, discussing her life with Gene, the challenge of being a caregiver, advice she has for those impacted by Alzheimer’s
June 14, 2018 - UsAgainstAlzheimer's

Father’s Day: Reflections on Alzheimer’s Disease

This Father’s Day, a day when families come together to celebrate generations of beloved fathers in their lives, we pause to reflect upon the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on families. As we give thanks for the Dads in our lives, we must consider how Alzheimer’s has affected these men, and the stories that illustrate their strength and resilience in the face of this complex disease. On this Father’s Day, join us in the fight for a cure. Share your Alzheimer’s story here. Lisette Carbajal “When the reminders for Father’s Day begin, memories of Father’s Days past are what I cling
June 13, 2018 - Lisette Carbajal

Why My Dad Isn’t Walking Me Down the Aisle

When the reminders for Father’s Day begin, memories of Father’s Days past are what I cling to – memories that I know are buried deep inside my father as well. But for many years, Father’s Day has no longer been filled with his laughter or signs of pride in his children. Father’s Day also always seems to fall near major moments that I wish I could have shared with my dad: starting a job with the Governor of Virginia, finishing graduate school, and this year, getting married. When I met Graham, my father’s Alzheimer’s had already progressed enough that he