UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

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Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

View Jay's Journal Women of UsAgainstAlzheimer's.

December 18, 2019 - Emily Ingalls

Lessons Learned from Traveling with Dementia

As we approach the gate area for our flight, Tracey turns to me anxiously . “You’ll go up and tell them, right?” So, I sidle up to the desk and murmur to the agent, “My companion has dementia. May we board with the early group?” They are always accommodating, and they aren’t supposed to ask, but it makes us both feel better to state ahead of time why two apparently healthy women need to pre-board. Forgive me. I used to look at the pre-boarding people and scan for frauds who just want to make sure their carry-on luggage gets into
December 18, 2019 - Jason Resendez

Sitting down with Dr. Yakeel Quiroz

Neuroscientist Dr. Yakeel Quiroz was interviewed by the New York Times in November 2019 for a story on a woman with a very rare genetic mutation that has shielded her from getting dementia – despite the fact that she exhibits major neurological features of the disease. This is an extremely rare occurrence, and Dr. Quiroz was asked to comment on the reasons for it. Dr. Quiroz is a friend of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and was willing to answer a few questions about her career and expertise, and about this particular story. *** JR: Latinas in neuroscience are rare! How did you come
December 05, 2019 - Kelly O'Brien

A possible path to earlier detection of Alzheimer’s

Imagine a future in which healthcare providers conduct regular cognitive assessments of their patients, creating an information baseline that would enable them to better detect and diagnose Alzheimer’s at its earliest stages, potentially before symptoms even emerge.
November 26, 2019 - Russ Paulsen

Giving Tuesday: People Powering the Fight Against Alzheimer’s

Giving Tuesday is an important moment for nonprofit organizations, as the money raised over the course of one day can comprise a significant portion of their budgets for the following year. Just a single day of successful fundraising can be a huge step to help terrific organizations do 365 days of good.
November 19, 2019 - Renée Nakkab

Missing My Grandfather

While my grandfather’s Alzheimer’s may have taken away his memory, right now, it has no grasp on my memories of him.