UsAgainstAlzheimer's Blog

Stay up to date on the latest from UsAgainstAlzheimer's on our blog. Read about what our team is working on, the latest advancements in research, and what you can do to join the fight.

Working with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s and Voices of Alzheimer’s, Jay Reinstein takes you with him to better understand a day in the life of someone living with Alzheimer’s.

View Jay's Journal Women of UsAgainstAlzheimer's.

May 12, 2020 - Roger Lowe

Documentary on Gene Wilder’s Battle with Alzheimer’s Moving Forward

Now a new Wilder movie is on the horizon, one with a more serious tone.
May 08, 2020 - Karen Segal

Looking ahead on Mother’s Day after a long goodbye

Mother’s Day hasn’t truly been the same for me since 2002. That was the year my mother, Lisa Cohen, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease when she was just 60 years old.
May 07, 2020 - Kenneth Carder

Reflecting on the Uncounted Victims of COVID-19 on the National Day of Prayer

I see family members come to the windows of their loved ones and press their hands against the pane. I watch as staff members arrive for their long shifts and leave exhausted. I hear the sirens of emergency vehicles arriving and realize someone is in crisis.
May 05, 2020 - Reverend Tracey Lind and Greg O’Brien

Anger and Hope: Living with Dementia during COVID-19

Reverend Tracey Lind and Greg O’Brien joined together in a video conversation about their thoughts on living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
April 27, 2020 - Greg O'Brien

Lessons of Coronavirus in the Age of Alzheimer’s

The New York Times terms it “The Great Empty.” Haunting images of Coronavirus: vultures circling above the U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort, docked in the Hudson River on Manhattan’s West Side; dead bodies loaded onto a refrigerator truck with a forklift; rats running amuck on empty subway platforms; domestic violence in the company of assailants; an empty Wailing Wall in the ancient city of Jerusalem. Did you ever think you’d be asked to wear a mask in a bank? Even the seagulls down the street from where we live on Outer Cape Cod are not congregating as much as they