December 12, 2019

Responding to Dementia in Diverse Communities

Alzheimer's Talks

Responding to Dementia in Diverse Communities

About This Episode

How are community-level organizations helping our health system to improve its capabilities to care for those with dementia in diverse communities? What resources are available to support them in this goal?
This informational webinar highlights regional efforts to promote dementia-capable communities with a focus on under-represented and under-resourced populations. Our panelists discuss projects supported by the federal Administration for Community Living (ACL), to promote dementia capability through innovative models like community health workers. 

Our guest speakers include Erin Long of ACL; Petra Niles, who leads African American services, education and dementia care networks for Alzheimer's Los Angeles; and Constantina Mizis, president and CEO of the Latino Alzheimer's & Memory Disorders Alliance. Jason Resendez, executive director of our LatinosAgainstAlzheimer's network, moderates the discussion.

Press the 'Play' button under the image at left to hear the full discussion, which begins around the 6-second point.

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