October 22, 2019

Dementia from All Angles: Telling Our Stories to Fight for Change


Dementia from All Angles: Telling Our Stories to Fight for Change

About This Episode

A Featured Conversation from UsAgainstAlzheimer's 2019 National Alzheimer's Summit

The fight against Alzheimer's, frontotemporal degeneration, and other dementias is driven by the stories of those on the front lines—people living with the disease and their care partners.

"A priest, a marine, a journalist and a millennial walk into a bar ..." Four diverse advocates offer a glimpse into their lives, connected by a common mission to stop this disease. At times funny and surprising, but powerful throughout, this conversation reveals how and why these advocates share their personal stories: to disrupt the status quo, shatter stigma, improve brain health, educate physicians, speed research and improve the lives of others facing this disease now and in the future.

Press the 'Play' button under the image at left to hear the full discussion.

Alzheimer's Talks host Meryl Comer—Alzheimer's care partner, Founding Board Member of UsAgainstAlzheimer's, and Chair of the Global Alliance on Women's Brain Health—moderates this discussion with:

  • The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, retired Episcopal minister and city planner, living with frontotemporal degeneration
  • Andrés Martin, U.S. Marine with the Jalisco genetic mutation linked to early-onset Alzheimer’s
  • Conor O’Brien, millennial care partner, son of Greg O’Brien
  • Greg O'Brien, journalist, award-winning author, UsAgainstAlzheimer's Board Member, living with Alzheimer’s

BrainStorm Feed


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